Young 1’z
This weekly creative session adopts a person-centred approach to dance, using music and props to assist. Working individually, in small groups or as a whole class, participants have the opportunity to explore dance in a safe and friendly environment. The emphasis is on sharing and having fun!
Being a Young 1
By being a member of the Young 1’z you will receive:-
• A weekly advanced technique dance class
• Performance skills
• Regular performance opportunities
• Opportunities to travel and work with other young dancers
• Opportunities to take part in choreographic residencies
• Social opportunities and development
• Team working skills
• Independent working skills
• Increased confidence
• Opportunities to voice ideas and opinions
• Opportunities to progress into Adult classes or Adult Performance Company
• Opportunities to volunteer through Indepen-dance (when possible)

Young 1’z Member Story
Sean Harrigan joined the Young 1’z and showed a natural talent and passion for dance. Sean attended class every week and was keen to take any opportunities that were offered to him. Sean progressed to volunteer at two other youth classes and developed his skills at inviting others to enjoy dance in the way that he did.
Sean was a committed volunteer and due to his enthusiasm and hard work he was offered an apprenticeship with the company. Sean progressed from the Young 1’z to volunteering to then becoming a permanent member of staff. Sean represents a brilliant example of the progression routes available within Indepen-dance.